Wednesday 9 May 2012




In this project, the 12V DC is further step down to 5V DC using a voltage regulator. Voltage regulator module is used to protect PIC and other connected sensor/relay from over voltage. This is because the PIC and all other connected sensors relay all support 5V DC only. To make sure the motor driver move fast and smoothly, the power that supply to this motor is still 12V and need to step down to 5V by using voltage regulator. This step is very important because the chip of motor driver can only accommodate 5V. The IR sensor (Transmitter and Receiver) detect the dark line (black line colour). When the IR sensor detects the black line colour, the voltage measured at the sensor will be increased and when the IR sensor not detects the line, the voltage will be decreased. That means, while the IR sensor detect the line, the voltage will be increased and connected to the PIC16F877A and the PIC will be identified the sensor to move by follow the line. But, when the side of the vehicle detects another line at the side of the track, it will immediately stop moving. So, the human will push button stop at the top of the vehicle to put a load. After finish a work, the human need to push the start button to make the vehicle move as usual by follow the track. The vehicle also will stop once the obstacle sensor detect any obstacle in front of the vehicle and move again when we put away the obstacle.

  1. The process of the project become smoothly once interface with the hardware.
  2. To fulfil the purpose of this project.
  3. To reduce an error that might occur.

When this block diagram is change , so I can achieve the purpose why this project were created beside I can move to the next step to make this project successfully.

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