Friday 26 October 2012




This is a fully function of my project after going through a few troubleshoot. First of all, I need to connect the supply which is 9V that I use in this prototype. Then, we have to push a button start to make the vehicle move forward by follow the line. When the vehicle detect a metal on the floor, it will stop for a 10sec. This part is use for a worker at the factory to put a load on the vehicle. After 10 sec, the vehicle will move as usual by follow the line provided. Once the vehicle detect any presence of obstacle in front of it, the vehicle will stop immediately also for a 10sec and the buzzer also will ON automatically to sign a people the there have a obstacle in front of the vehicle. After 10sec, the vehicle will move again by follow the line. All this process will be run continuously until we push a stop button or disconnect the power supply. This project can be applied in factories, hospital, offices and also residential area. Diagram shown below is one of an example of the track can be implement for this vehicle.

  • To well known about the fully operation of the Automated Guided Electric Vehicle.
  • To know a suitable place that can be implement this kind of material handling.
I can see the whole operation in this project and the fully function of doing this vehicle. So all the objective already been achieve since the vehicle can move smoothly and run well. 

Thursday 11 October 2012




Mechanical part is the most important thing to see how the prototype of the project is look like. In order to make the prototype is complete, I have to consider a lot of part such as the motor shaft that have to put at the wheel of this vehicle, the prospect that need to cut by follow the size that can put all my circuit and also for the load space. All this thing I have to consider about the size, range also the space needed to ensure that the circuit can run smoothly without any over voltage or short circuit is happen. I take a lot of time to adjust the motor and motor driver part since it cannot move well by follow the line provided on the floor. To ensure that the motor can move faster, so I just use 3rpm motor since my supply voltage is not too higher.

  • To specified the actual size that needed for the prototype in this project.
  • To complete up my project until the end of the process which is make it as one of the vehicle.
  • To ensure that the motor can run by following the line beside know how to adjust and plug the motor correctly.

By involve in this part, I can see how difficult to built a kind of vehicle that related with the motor shaft and motor driver. I have to consider about the movement of the vehicle that need to move forward, right or left side. I also have a problem on cutting the prospect that cannot cut by using common knife since the thickness of the prospect quite thick.So I need to hire a person that a have a suitable knife or machine to cut the prospect according to my specific size that I already measure before.At last all the part can combine together to make it become like kind of vehicle.

Saturday 6 October 2012




This is all a part of my circuit that involve in this project to ensure all the function and objective can be achieve with smoothly. There are 5 circuit included in this project which is PIC circuit, obstacle or IR circuit, metal sensor circuit,line sensor circuit and the last one is motor driver circuit. All this circuit have their own function that will give a signal to each other when they face a certain situation based on the program that already build in the PIC 16F877A that act as a main brain of this project.


  • To connect all the circuit with each other since it have a related function especially at the PIC circuit.
  • To make it completely function as follow the objective.
  • To estimated the space in order to build a mechanical part.

Finally I can see the whole function of my project and feel relieve because it can work well after go through a few problem in interfacing and troubleshoot the circuit.